Beitragsbild zu RockYou2021: largest password compilation of all time leaked online with 8.4 billion entries

RockYou2021: largest password compilation of all time leaked online with 8.4 billion entries

What seems to be the largest password collection of all time has been leaked on a popular hacker forum. A forum user posted a massive 100GB TXT file that contains 8.4 billion entries of passwords, which have presumably been combined from previous data leaks and breaches.

According to the post author, all passwords included in the leak are 6-20 characters long, with non-ASCII characters and white spaces removed. The same user also claims that the compilation contains 82 billion passwords. However, after running our own tests, the actual number turned out to be nearly ten times lower – at 8,459,060,239 unique entries:


June 23 / 2021

RockYou2021 password breach wasn’t really a breach