
ShardSecure around the world – Dahinter steckt immer ein kluger Kopf

Podcast mit Bob Lam, CEO and Co-Founder, ShardSecure 

Thema: Eine positive Korrelation – Stil, Mitarbeiter, Kunden, Produkt und Märkte


  • Bob, ShardSecure is just a name. Is ShardSecure really just a name and nothing else? Who is behind it? What is behind it`? What are the intentions? Why?
  • Your product, your solution is basically extraordinarily simple, yet very powerful, effective and efficient. My problem when I first heard and read about it was: it’s too simple to understand. Can you say something about it?
  • From Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems to CEO. You are a full blooded technician. Isn´t it a balancing act? How is it compatible? How do you handle it?…these are two different worlds…different tasks and requirements… If a highly qualified technician becomes a CEO he usually can’t keep his hands off the old task— it becomes a double task and the day has only 24 hours…. that smells like working overtime to fulfill „both tasks“.
  • Bob, Customers are not the same arround the world. Customers have very different needs. Customer needs often do not go in the same direction as the company’s own visions, goals and ideas, products and solutions. Possibly different ways of looking at things and different aspects of benefits. What you get at McDonalds is known to almost everyone – all over the globe. You either like it or you don’t. There is no need for any messages. How do you combine that from a global perspective? Is it possible at all?
  • ShardSecure has not necessarily been active in the European market for very long. Things that would interest me are „Resolved customer problems“. So, from theory to practice! I’ll give you a couple of keywords and I’d ask you to comment on that.
    • Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud data resilience.
    • Privacy
    • & How ShardSecure product solve these problems
  • How about AI data protection?
  • The protection of unstructured data, a severely underserved market – you agree. And why?

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Pascal Cronauer* ist Head of EMEA Sales bei ShardSecure

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Datenresilienz – Verbesserung von Robustheit und Ausfallsicherheit
Optimierung der Cloud-Ressourcen und Kosteneinsparungen in AWS

Music by BlueSwine