The Falcon platform further validates position as cybersecurity’s consolidation platform of choice; wins Best Cloud Security, Endpoint, AI, Threat Intelligence and Incident Response
CrowdStrike today announced that the AI-native CrowdStrike Falcon cybersecurity platform won five awards in the SC Awards Europe 2024 – the most of any vendor in this year’s competition. CrowdStrike won for Best Cloud Security Solution, Best Endpoint Solution, Best AI Solution, Best Threat Intelligence Technology and Best Incident Response Solution.
The number of category victories further validates the Falcon platform as cybersecurity’s consolidation platform of choice. CrowdStrike provides comprehensive visibility and real-time detection across all key attack surfaces with a lightweight, single agent, single platform architecture. With CrowdStrike, customers consolidate point products, reduce operational complexity and gain the speed, threat intelligence and automation they need for the outcome that matters most – stopping the breach.
“The award wins across such a breadth of categories demonstrates why customers continue to choose the Falcon platform to consolidate cybersecurity at scale,” said Jennifer Johnson, chief marketing officer at CrowdStrike. “Our unique platform architecture enables us to provide customers with best-in-class technology natively built into a single platform and delivered from a single agent. CrowdStrike continues to deliver the innovation customers need to stop breaches, eliminate complexity and drive extreme cost savings.”

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