The Global State of DDoS Weapons
DDoS attacks continue to find their way into headlines, from attackers leveraging the Log4j vulnerability to Microsoft mitigating one of the largest DDoS attacks ever recorded to the use of DDoS attacks as the prelude to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Protecting businesses and critical infrastructure from these devastating attacks should be on everyone’s mind.
In this report, we share some of the latest developments in the world of DDoS that can help you improve your security posture and protect your resources against devastating DDoS attacks.
Download your free report to learn more.
The Total Number of DDoS Weapons Tracked by A10 Networks was Approximately 15.4 Million

Gartner-Umfrage: Nur 14% der Sicherheitsverantwortlichen können Datensicherheit und Geschäftsziele erfolgreich vereinen

Zunehmende Angriffskomplexität

Aufruf zum Handeln: Dringender Plan für den Übergang zur Post-Quanten-Kryptographie erforderlich

IBM-Studie: Gen-KI wird die finanzielle Leistung von Banken im Jahr 2025 steigern

Smartphones – neue Studie zeigt: Phishing auch hier Sicherheitsrisiko Nr. 1

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